10th Annual National Armed Forces Freedom Ride

Parker Colorado

Registration begins at 7:30 am at Takoda Tavern, 12365 Pine Bluffs Way in Parker. Motorcycles go out at 9:45 am. Preregistration is available online. The ride fee for those who preregister is $20.00 for the rider and $5.00 for a passenger. On the day of the ride the fee is $25.00 for the rider an $5.00 for a passenger. The ride will end with a live auction, giveaways and more. Proceeds will benefit Honor Bell Foundation in Memory of Lou Olivera. For more information go to www.cofreedomride.com or .

The mission of the Honor Bell Foundation is to pay respects to those that have served and those that are currently serving. To show them we value them for their service and have not forgotten them. To bring awareness to those around us of the courage and selflessness of these brave men and women.

Our Purpose is to pay tribute to Armed Forces Day and to acknowledge all those in the military, past and present. We Respect that they have put their lives in danger for our Country, the sacrifices made by them and their families, and what they do every day to defend our freedomn in the United States.

Event Properties

Event Date 05-18-2019 7:30 am
City Parker
State Colorado
Location Takoda Tavern

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