Sponsor The Troops Ride

Sponsor The Troops Ride

Saxonburg, Pennsylvania

The ride starts at the Saxonburg VFW Post 7376, 572 W. Main Street in Saxonburg. Registration begins at 9:00 am and the first group goes out at 11:30 am, Coffee and donuts will be served during registration. The ride fee is $20.00 for the rider and $10.00 for a passenger. The ride ends with food, prizes, raffles, and more. Sponsor the Troops t-shirts and hats will be available. Proceeds will be used to provide for the welfare and morale of deployed troops. For more information or or to donate go to www.sponsorthetroops.com, email Jodi Wray at or call (724) 591-4483 


Sponsor The Troops is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that raises money for vetted local organizations who provide morale, welfare and recreational items to deployed American Troops. The purpose of providing this service is to let the Troops know that people “back home” appreciate their service to our Country and appreciate the sacrifices they and their families make so that they can serve to keep America free. For more information about Sponsor The Troops go to www.sponsorthetroops.com


Event Properties

Event Date 09-11-2022 9:00 am
City Saxonburg
State Pennsylvania
Country United States of America
Location Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7376 Saxonburg Post

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