Submit a Motorcycle Event in Canada
What and Where?
Note - This form is for events in Canada only. For other countries please click here.
Enter the mane of the event.
Please include the name of the location and the address.
If the event is a ride the location must be the start location.
For rallies and larger events the address would be the registration location or rally headquarters. You may also specify a street if appropriate but it must include section of the street used. Example: "The rally is on Main street from 3rd Avenue to 10th Avenue. Sometimes an event will take place at a location that does not have an address. In that case enter the latitude and longitude. You can use Google Earth to find that information. (Instructions to find coordinates can be found here.)
Submit a Motorcycle Event in Canada
Please let us know when this event takes place.
Please enter the date and time of the event. The start time should reflect the time that registration begins for a ride or the time that the gates open for a rally.
Please click on the button to open a calendar and select the start date and time from the calendar.
Single Day Events: The end time is not needed on events where the end time is flexible or uncertain. If there is a set end time, such as for swap meets, motorcycle shows and others, please enter the end time.
Multi Day Events: Please select the end date from the calendar. If there is a specific end time please include the time also. If the end time is flexible or uncertain you may leave the time blank.
Submit a Motorcycle Event in Canada
Please let us know what the event is all about.
Please tell us about the event. Be sure to include any important information such as fees, important times for events, and more.
Ride: Please include information such as a general description of where it goes and any activities at the end of the ride.
Poker Run: Please include fees and information about awards, a general description of where it goes and any activities at the end of the ride.
Motorcycle Show: Please include entry fees, classes if known. (You can say something such as "There will be multiple classes") and information about awards to winners.
Swap Meet: Please include a brief description or vendor space and include fees.
Rally: Please include fees, information on all motorcycle activities and other highlights of the rally.
Many events may be a combination of the above activities. Please include information as appropriate.
IMPORTANT: Do to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (H.i.P.P.A.),do not include medical information about an individual.
If you choose, you may upload your flyer here. If you do not have a flyer you can upload a logo, flyer or other image. Only pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, and png formats will be accepted.
Note: Images that the editors of feel is not appropriate for this website will not be added.
Submit a Motorcycle Event in Canada
Contact information?
Please let us know how to get more information.
Please provide any contact information you would like people to use to get additional information.
Private contact information.
We would like to have information to contact you. The information entered below is not published, sold or given to others. It is for our internal use only. We use the information only to contact you should we need more information about the event or have a question. We may also use it to get information about future dates for this event. This information is not required but could be very helpful.
Submit a Motorcycle Event in Canada
Thank You for Submitting Your Event!
The event will be published on our website as soon as possible.