Annual Poker Run for Forgotten Soldiers Outreach

Annual Poker Run for Forgotten Soldiers Outreach

West Palm Beach, Florida

The poker run starts at the Elk's Lodge #1352, 6188 Belvedere Road in West Palm Beach. Registration is from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. All motorcycles are welcome. There will be an opening ceremony at 10:00 am and the first bike goes out at 10:30 am rain or shine. The ride fee is a minimum donation of $15.00 per person and includes a poker hand. The first 100 riders or passengers to register will receive a swag bag. The event includes raffles, 50/50 drawing, auction, food and more. $250.00 will be awarded for the best hand. $150.00 will be awarded for second best and $100.00 for third. For more information call (561) 369-2933 or go to

Event Properties

Event Date 02-09-2020 9:30 am
City West Palm Beach
State Florida
Country United States of America
Location West Palm Beach Elks Lodge #1352

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