Polar Bear Ride

Polar Bear Ride

Jacksonville, North Carolina

Sponsored by the Jacksonville Light Keepers
The ride starts at Onslow Community Ministries, 600 Court Street in Jacksonville. Line up in the parking lot behind the Soup Kitchen.  Registration begins at 11:30 am and motorcycles go out at 12:00 pm. The ride fee is a donation of any or the items listed on the wish list. The group bringing the most items wins the trophy. The ride will go around the outskirts of town and end with lunch. Your donation of peanut butter and jelly, prepaid gas cards, 3 compartment Styrofoam plates, plastic utensils, 8 oz. Styrofoam cups, paper napkins, paper towels, pleated sandwich bags, liquid dish soap, laundry detergent, 39 gallon trash bags, toilet paper, salt and pepper, spices, kidney beans, Lima beans, navy beans, pinto beans, tomato sauce, or mixed vegetables will help the center get ready for a new year. For more information email


Event Properties

Event Date 01-11-2020 11:30 am
City Jacksonville
State North Carolina
Country United States of America
Location Onslow Community Outreach

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