Annual Bob Probert Ride

Annual Bob Probert Ride

Windsor, Ontario

Sponsored by Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
The poker run starts at Thunder Road Harley-Davidson®, 2139 Huron Church Road N9 in Windsor. Registration begins at 9:00 am and motorcycles go out at 11:00 am. The ride fee is $30.00 for the rider. Passengers ride free. The ride fee includes a poker run card and raffle ticket for door prize. Participants are encouraged to collect pledges, A ride t-shirt will be given for $100.00 or more received in pledges. This is a rain or shine event and all styles of bikes are welcome. The scenic 100 km ride through beautiful Essex County will include three stops before ending in Oldcastle. Proceeds will benefit Cardiac Wellness programs at Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. For more information contact Barb Sebben at 519.257.5111 Ext 73859 or go to

 Since 2011, the Ride has raised over $1M in support of Cardiac Services in Windsor-Essex. Proceeds to date have supported the creation of a second angioplasty suite, the new wellness exercise room used by our Cardiac Wellness patients and now a satellite location that will make access to the exercise room easier for patients in the county. The selected satellite location will be part of the new expansion of the existing Tecumseh Arena that will include indoor sports fields, offices and activity rooms. The location in Tecumseh allows convenient access to the program in a catchment area which includes east Windsor, the town of Tecumseh, and Lakeshore. The new facility is going to have a walking track and other amenities that will be complementary to the cardiac wellness program.

Event Properties

Event Date 06-26-2020 9:00 am
City Windsor
Province Ontario
Country Canada
Location Thunder Road Harley-Davidson®

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

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